Thursday, November 14, 2013


Today, my 21-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cervical cancer. This was out of the blue, symptomless, and shocking. I'm going back with her tomorrow to discuss a treatment plan and find out more information about the type/stage/etc. The reason I'm sharing this with all of you is because if there was no ObamaCare, she might not have been diagnosed. Many young women who do not have insurance do not get regular pap screenings. When I was divorced, and raising 3 kids with no child support, I did not have health insurance nor did I get any screenings. Getting a screening without a reason to be there would have been a luxury. Do I know that she wouldn't have gotten her pap without ObamaCare? No. But, I know she wouldn't pay for a visit if she didnt have to. Annual exams are free from co-pays, and this encouraged her to get hers in a timely fashion, which she has failed to do in the past. I'm confident that tomorrow, we will learn that they've caught this early (she had a normal pap last year), and that she will successfully be treated. This is not my first round with a child with cancer, and ObamaCare helped my other daughter as well who was diagnosed with kidney cancer at age 3. Our insurance kicked her off. ObamaCare made them put her back on. So, when I come across insane conservatives bitching about ObamaCare, I ask them "Did my little girl deserve to get treatment?" They always answer yes. The work we do here, the educating of America, it's important. It is beyond spouting our mouths, beyond shaming republicans, and well beyond a method of entertainment. We, all of us, educate America. It's important for Americans to see that ObamaCare is not a 'death squad', it's a lifesaver. It's saving a second child of mine right now.

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