Over the last month, we've seen three presidential debates. The decline in the unemployment rate is dropping, a sure sign of the Apocalypse of the GOP, their nominee seems to be willing to strut his stuff in saying he can do better. He's even gone so far as to claim that "his plan" will create 12 million new jobs.
I do not doubt that his plan can create 12 million new jobs over the 8-to-10 years he says he needs to fix the economy, despite expecting President Obama to do it in less than four years. But, Mitt Romney's track record shows that the jobs he creates are more likely than not in third world and communist countries, and probably part-time, temporary jobs with no benefits. He's been called a vulture capitalist but I find him more a viper capitalist: A snake in the grass that pounces and kills its prey. Too many businesses have been closed due to this form of enterprise while these capitalists walk away with millions in "consulting fees" after gutting the company that hired them.
Mitt has a very big problem with being taken seriously. One has to ask how he plans to create jobs, or what type of jobs, if he can't even perpetuate the jobs currently here. A case in point is the Sensata plant in Fairport, Illinois.

It appears that Mitt does not care for the American worker, the very people that helped him make and accumulate his wealth. It's been a long standing habit of his. Still, the people of Sensata are fighting trying to keep their jobs. What happened? A group of Koch Funded Tea Party Traitors showed up with a counter-demonstration, calling American workers Communists. What a great leap of logic when the American worker is called a communist because they protest their jobs being sent to a communist country.
For decades, conservatives have shouted that unions are communistic, so how do they try and break the unions? They send their jobs over to communist countries.
Thank you, Mitt and company for showing your true colors. You and your cohorts are the real communists.
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