Thursday, November 1, 2012

When We Don’t LikeThe Facts: We Supress Them.

Leadership during the best of times
can be challenging.  In more trying
situations individuals that aspire to
leadership positions can face
great difficulties.

The key for any individual in tough times
 is “honesty”.  The ability to look beyond
personal opinion and ideology is a
requirement.  Real problems are never
solved by refusing to examine “cause
and effect.”  In the real world it’s called
critical thinking.  No individual can be a
“real leader” when they deny and refuse
their own responsibility.

“Inconvenient Truths” surface.  Truths
which cause individuals to reassess their
positions.  Republicans in our current
Congress are failing a test.  Speaker
Boehner got it right when he said there
are “real knuckle draggers” in his caucus.
He must have looked at himself in the
mirror the morning he said it.  In a system
of government like ours we need to accept
hard truth to flourish.

What are they hiding?

A study by the independent “CRS” (The
Congressional Research Service).  It is an
examination on the impact of Tax Cuts on
the economy. The CRS created to eliminate
partisan gaming in our government.  A
common source for all to trust regardless
of party.  A group that facilitates honesty.

Why are they hiding it?

It undermines Mitt Romney’s Tax
position.  It reveals that the Republican
stance in Congress is not based in
reality.  It reveals their policies are based
in the imagination.  And it clearly points
out that the policies redistribute income
from most Americans to those at the very
top of the ladder.  They wanted to avoid
reality.  They didn’t like the answers.

VOTE November 6th.  We have an opportunity to demand 
integrity. We have an opportunity to deny radical ideology 
that causes our elected officials to lie and mislead us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mitt's Job Always Costs Others' Their Jobs

Romney cannot prevent a company he owns from moving to China
Over the last month, we've seen three presidential debates. The decline in the unemployment rate is dropping, a sure sign of the Apocalypse of the GOP, their nominee seems to be willing to strut his stuff in saying he can do better. He's even gone so far as to claim that "his plan" will create 12 million new jobs.

I do not doubt that his plan can create 12 million new jobs over the 8-to-10 years he says he needs to fix the economy, despite expecting President Obama to do it in less than four years. But, Mitt Romney's track record shows that the jobs he creates are more likely than not in third world and communist countries, and probably part-time, temporary jobs with no benefits. He's been called a vulture capitalist but I find him more a viper capitalist: A snake in the grass that pounces and kills its prey. Too many businesses have been closed due to this form of enterprise while these capitalists walk away with millions in "consulting fees" after gutting the company that hired them.

Mitt has a very big problem with being taken seriously. One has to ask how he plans to create jobs, or what type of jobs, if he can't even perpetuate the jobs currently here. A case in point is the Sensata plant in Fairport, Illinois.

Tea Party logicSensata, if you've followed the news, was acquired by Bain Capital, a company founded by Romney and is still a major part of his income portfolio. With three facilities in the US, two have already closed as their jobs were shipped over to China. The third, in Fairport, is in the process of being closed. The workers there have asked this man with such close ties to their now parent company, Bain, to intercede on the plant closing. Mitt will not even offer a response. Is it that he really doesn't care about the American worker? Surely a man of his stature, with such close ties to the company he founded, could try to intercede. Or is it that he has no say in the matter. If he is unable to convince the Bain board to reverse their decision with the amount of pull he has there, how can we expect him to convince Corporate America to bring jobs, good paying jobs, back to America. 

Keep Mitt Unemployed in 2012 and BeyondHe claims he will get tough on China, but not a word was said when Sensata removed the American flag from their Fairport facility, instead running a Chinese flag.

It appears that Mitt does not care for the American worker, the very people that helped him make and accumulate his wealth. It's been a long standing habit of his. Still, the people of Sensata are fighting trying to keep their jobs. What happened? A group of Koch Funded Tea Party Traitors showed up with a counter-demonstration, calling American workers Communists. What a great leap of logic when the American worker is called a communist because they protest their jobs being sent to a communist country.

For decades, conservatives have shouted that unions are communistic, so how do they try and break the unions? They send their jobs over to communist countries.

Thank you, Mitt and company for showing your true colors. You and your cohorts are the real communists.

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