Thursday, November 1, 2012

When We Don’t LikeThe Facts: We Supress Them.

Leadership during the best of times
can be challenging.  In more trying
situations individuals that aspire to
leadership positions can face
great difficulties.

The key for any individual in tough times
 is “honesty”.  The ability to look beyond
personal opinion and ideology is a
requirement.  Real problems are never
solved by refusing to examine “cause
and effect.”  In the real world it’s called
critical thinking.  No individual can be a
“real leader” when they deny and refuse
their own responsibility.

“Inconvenient Truths” surface.  Truths
which cause individuals to reassess their
positions.  Republicans in our current
Congress are failing a test.  Speaker
Boehner got it right when he said there
are “real knuckle draggers” in his caucus.
He must have looked at himself in the
mirror the morning he said it.  In a system
of government like ours we need to accept
hard truth to flourish.

What are they hiding?

A study by the independent “CRS” (The
Congressional Research Service).  It is an
examination on the impact of Tax Cuts on
the economy. The CRS created to eliminate
partisan gaming in our government.  A
common source for all to trust regardless
of party.  A group that facilitates honesty.

Why are they hiding it?

It undermines Mitt Romney’s Tax
position.  It reveals that the Republican
stance in Congress is not based in
reality.  It reveals their policies are based
in the imagination.  And it clearly points
out that the policies redistribute income
from most Americans to those at the very
top of the ladder.  They wanted to avoid
reality.  They didn’t like the answers.

VOTE November 6th.  We have an opportunity to demand 
integrity. We have an opportunity to deny radical ideology 
that causes our elected officials to lie and mislead us.